
Constellation Volume 1: RPG Zine Anthology

Created by Hit Point Press

Featuring 12 exciting roleplaying game zines, packed with action, horror, and intimate emotional experiences.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Surveys are out + PDF Release!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 09, 2023 at 08:28:32 AM

Hey backers!

Just a quick update to notify you that BackerKit surveys are live!  Please make sure to check your spam inbox if you haven't recieved an email for it yet.

PDFs are live!

Constellation PDFs have been distributed via BackerKit earlier today. There are 2 file versions-one is full resolution and the other is compressed for quick review. Let us know if you spot something off!

Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment, e-mail us at [email protected] or join the Discord!


Hit Point Press

Smoke Tests are out! + BackerKit Guide
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Mar 05, 2023 at 06:45:01 AM

Hey backers!

We’re happy to share that the smoke tests have been sent out! Only 5% of backers will receive a smoke test, so if you don’t receive one during this process, your survey will go out with the rest of the backers once we’ve confirmed everything is working as expected!

So if everything went perfectly with the smoke test we’ll send the rest of the surveys tomorrow!

When the surveys go out, we ask that you complete it as soon as possible so we can make our orders with our production partners. We’re looking to get 80% of the surveys filled before mass production starts.

We’ve included a guide to help you complete your surveys below a quick update on some digital releases.

BackerKit Survey Guide

1) Select your country for shipping and click "Get Started". If you would like to upgrade to a higher pledge tier, locate the link under the "Get Started" button and click that instead. Please note that if you switch pledge levels, add-ons selected on Kickstarter will not be automatically applied to BackerKit.

2) Please read the question prompts and proceed into the BackerKit "store" (Add-Ons section).

3) Once in the store, you’ll see a list of the items included in your Kickstarter pledge on the right side of the page. On the left, you’ll see the options for add-ons!

4) Once you've selected all the items you want, click "Next".

5) Enter your shipping address and click "Next".

6) Confirm the provided information is correct, provide a payment method, and click "Confirm"

Please note: Due to limitations using PayPal, it is not currently enabled as a payment option for this project. We are looking at making it available closer to when we’re charging cards for outstanding balances due to add-ons and shipping costs. Backers who intend to use PayPal as their payment method should be able to complete their surveys then.

7) You will see this below once you have completed the survey!

Surveys and addresses will be locked closer to fulfillment so you’ll be able to make changes even after submitting your survey until we let you know otherwise! Payment for outstanding balances and shipping will be collected at a later date.

Commonly Asked Questions on BackerKit Surveys

Can I upgrade my pledge through the survey?

Yes! When you get your survey hit the button below "Get Started". This will enable you to up your pledge tier in case you've decided you want a different deal!

My payment didn’t go through and I was dropped from the Kickstarter. What do I do?

Don’t panic! You should still receive the BackerKit survey and you’ll be able to pay for your pledge there.

I missed the campaign. When will preorders be open?

Preorders are now live! If you had a friend who missed out share this link with them!:

Orders placed here are considered BackerKit preorders, not Kickstarter pledges, and will ship after we fulfill backer rewards.

Don't Miss Out! If I Were a Lich, Man

If I Were a Lich, Man is a trilogy of funny Jewish roleplaying games about creative resistance against authoritarianism. The villains in the stories of our oppressors become the heroes in our play.

Written and illustrated by a team of avant-garde Jewish designers.

Recommended for fans of What We Do in the Shadows, Russian Doll, and Young Frankenstein.

There's less than a week left in the campaign, check it out!

Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment, e-mail us at [email protected] or join the Discord!


Hit Point Press

We funded!!! What's Next + Backerkit Pre-Orders!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 12:49:26 PM

Thank you for your support!

Constellation is Funded!   

We’re so grateful to our backers, contributors, and colleagues who helped make the Constellation campaign a success! 

Thank you all so much for your support and enthusiasm for this beautiful anthology.

What’s Next?

  • Kickstarter processes pledges

Kickstarter is going to begin to process payments for this campaign and the process can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks. When we get confirmation from them that this step is complete, we’ll send out BackerKit surveys!

  • BackerKit surveys go out!

Surveys will then be sent out to collect your shipping details along with your pledge and add-ons. You'll be able to upgrade your pledge or add additional add-ons with the survey as well! As we get closer to releasing surveys, we will have information on how to fill out your survey, as well as specifics for choosing your add-ons. We ask that you hold your BackerKit questions until then! Surveys will be open until we start fulfilling, but to guarantee your order we suggest filling out the survey as soon as possible.

Did you or a friend miss out on backing the campaign? It’s not too late!

We're accepting late pledges for Constellation!

Check out the Backerkit pre-order store!


What's Coming Down the Pipeline:

 Launching Feb 21st, we have another collaboration with Lucian Kahn. Be sure to check it out!

If I Were A Lich, Man

 If I Were a Lich, Man: 3 Jewish Games by Lucian Kahn

If I Were a Lich, Man is a trilogy of funny Jewish roleplaying games about creative resistance against authoritarianism. The villains in the stories of our oppressors become the heroes in our play.

Recommended for fans of What We Do in the Shadows, Russian Doll, and Young Frankenstein.

For more of Lucian's work check out Visigoths vs Mall Goths and Hibernation Games

Sign up to be notified when it launches later this month!


Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment or e-mail us at [email protected]!

Thanks again, everyone - We can’t wait to get Constellation into your hands!

Hit Point Press

Only 24 Hours Left!! Zine Spotlight #3 & More!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 08, 2023 at 12:25:22 PM

24 Hours to Go!

We can't believe we're in the final stretch already! Thank you all so much for your support of this project!!

Zine Spotlight #3: Conflict / Violence

Constellation Covers

The relationship between conflict and violence fascinates me. In many RPGs, violence is the default mechanical expression of conflict. For this collection, I looked for games where one is present without requiring the other. In my search, I found Kyle Tam’s MORIAH and Maxwell Lander’s vis-a-visage, which each offer fresh interpretations of both.

In MORIAH, player characters ascend a holy mountain and offer their own body parts as sacrifices along the way. These sacrifices improve the die the character can use to pass the challenges they encounter on the road. To succeed, characters must repeatedly choose violence, spilling their own blood, but it doesn’t represent conflict; it represents the character’s willingness to give of themselves.

vis-a-visage uses a narrative combat system to evoke cinematic rivalries and heightened tensions as the characters attempt opposing actions. These actions need not be violent—the given example is calling a contact who can pick locks—but they are in direct conflict with each other. Players build dice pools and can block each others’ attempted actions using the values on their dice. Without requiring violence, the game still feels high-stakes and dynamic.



Project We Love:



the_bookmarked lets players wield books off their shelf as if they were spellbooks!

Of all the books on all the shelves in all the libraries of this planet, which ones will scavengers of the future uncover? The passing of an eon can make a sacred tome out of even the most mundane pamphlet, bearing secrets of practices long forgotten.

Pick up the closest book within your reach. What would it mean if this, this thing in your hands, was all we had to remember the past and influence the present?

Check it out!

Less Than A Week Left! Zine Spotlight #2, Zine Quest and More!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Feb 02, 2023 at 01:08:26 PM

 Less than a week to go!


We're blown away by the stellar support from all of you for the Constellation project! We're going into the final stretch of the campaign - tell your friends to check it out!

 Constellation Zine Spotlight #2: Relationships 

Forgetting Your Touch & this world is not yours

I’m always looking for fresh ways to explore relationships, especially less commonly found relationships, in RPGs. Both Travis D. Hill’s this world is not yours and Maria Mison’s Forgetting Your Touch handle them with elegant design.

In this world is not yours, you tell the story of four generations of families and the house they live in. In the duet version of the game, players discuss three elements: events, environments, and emotions. These elements provide the structure to explore the changing relationship between the families and the house, leaving you with a legacy borne from a long period of time

As a somatic game, players in Forgetting Your Touch make physical contact with each other to reclaim an intimate boundary. The players use movement and sensation to navigate the relationship between themselves and their bodies, starting with being present in it. The game instructs players to “allow the body to tell the story, speak not a word aloud,” centering actions and feelings.

In the next Zine Spotlight, I’ll talk about violence and conflict in the anthology.



Zine Quest Has Begun!

Kickstarter's Zine Quest has kicked off,  featuring small-format RPG zines (including our very own Constellation anthology)! 

From whimsical fairytale adventures to post-apocalyptic wasteland sagas, these zines offer unique and immersive experiences unlike anything else out there. Check out all the great projects!

Here's a few we like:

Low-Res Futures

Low-Res Futures contains two full roleplaying games, each written by an accomplished designer. The book and PDFs will be accompanied by an AR app for both iOS and Android that will reveal cheat codes, commentaries, and secrets! Check them out and pledge!

Cloud Empress

Cloud Empress is an ecological science fantasy campaign setting for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG that places you in a world ruled by the patterns of giant psychic cicadas. Cloud Empress creates a new Earth, thousands of years in the future inspired by Hayao Miyazaki’s Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind, Frank Herbert’s Dune, and Hiromu Arakawa’s Full Metal Alchemist. Check them out and pledge!


Project We Love:


Witchy Cakes

Our friends over at Mage Hand Press just released their first non-D&D product, an adorable and wildly competitive card game called Witchy Cakes with art created by Tricksy Wizard! In it, you play witches competing to build the tallest cake by matching colors, throwing cake at your friends, and using magical secret ingredients. It's easy-to-learn fun for 4-8 players. 

Check it out!